WBers have shows too
B&W Drawings; please color
funds RAISED!
Greg, Cody and I had a fun and exciting Wednesday filled with lots of free art, delicious burritos, and Wrong Brain promotion at Dos Amigos Burritos in Dover, NH. We raised over $200 with the help of Dos and our fans. Thanks for coming out!
To reward ourselves for a great fundraiser, here’s a sneak peak from WB5
Billy Raygun – Worst Day Of My Life

Is it that time already?
Time for the fifth edition of the Wrongest of Wrongs, the Brainiest of Brains…. WRONG BRAIN?
and it is, O-M-G, the SECOND AUDIO EDITION.
Wrong Brain is a FREE creative zine based in NH and published whenever we feel like it.
It includes art, writing, and other creative goodies.
For the fifth edition, we are including a CD with even more artistic wildness.
Send your writing to Cody at claplante@wrongbrain.net
Send your visual to Sam at spaolini@wrongbrain.net
Send your audio to Greg at commaammoc@gmail.com
with “Wrong Brain 5″ as the subject.
Include your name as it will be published.
Include a link to your website or blog.
Because Wrong Brain is ALWAYS free, we need sponsors! You could buy some ad space, or just donate to our worthy cause. Support the arts, it brings thought-provocation to our gray world!